Current Location: ChinaBond -- ChinaBond Valuation
  ChinaBond Valuation
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Date Bond Name Bond Code Market Maturity(Yrs) Full Price(Mid-Day) (Yuan) Accrued Interest (Mid-Day) (Yuan) Net Price (Yuan) YTM (%) ChinaBond Market Implied Rating
2024-07-26 03三峡债 038006 China Inter-Bank Market 9.0164 125.4307 4.7803 120.6503 2.2980 AAA
2024-07-26 01国开21 010221 China Inter-Bank Market 7.4645 116.3998 0.1720 116.2279 2.1540
2024-07-26 06冀建投债 068012 China Inter-Bank Market 1.6712 104.9540 1.3742 103.5798 1.9758 AAA
2024-07-26 17招路02 112563 Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3.0328 113.2631 4.8163 108.4469 2.0769 AAA-
2024-07-26 02国债05 020005 China Inter-Bank Market 7.8274 106.2899 0.4965 105.7935 2.0936
2024-07-26 23津南城投CP002 042300049 China Inter-Bank Market 0.0628 105.8543 5.6230 100.2314 2.0990 AA-
2024-07-26 13青国投MTN001 101354012 China Inter-Bank Market 4.0519 116.8161 6.0488 110.7673 3.4833 AA-
2024-07-26 23工商银行CD047 112302047 China Inter-Bank Market 0.2486 99.5508 1.8326 97.7182 1.8150 AAA
2024-07-26 23浙江01 101900 Commercial Bank Counter Market 5.5519 106.1274 1.3263 104.8011 2.0452 AAA+
2024-07-26 14东方财信PPN001 031490666 China Inter-Bank Market 0.0164 21.5887 1.5718 20.0169 2.6368 AA(2)

  Chinabond CCRE Credit Assets Valuation
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Date Code Short Name Maturity(Yrs) Full Price(Yuan) Net Price(Yuan) Accrued Interest(Yuan) Yield to Maturity(%) Residue Principal(Yuan) Recommendation Remarks
2024-07-26 2021000115 永赢租赁2021年第6期 0.1452 102.9971 100.4719 2.5252 3.5728 100.0000 Recommend Based on the data of underlying assets
2024-07-26 2021000115 永赢租赁2021年第6期 2.1452 103.0051 100.4799 2.5252 3.5728 100.0000 Based on the data of underlying assets
2024-07-26 2021000208 永赢租赁2021年第7期 0.3425 102.4170 99.7991 2.6178 3.9901 100.0000 Recommend Based on the data of underlying assets
2024-07-26 2021000208 永赢租赁2021年第7期 2.3425 102.4347 99.8169 2.6178 3.9901 100.0000 Based on the data of underlying assets

  Insurance Asset Management Products Valuation
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Date Code Maturity(Yrs) Full Price(Mid-Day)(Yuan) Accrued Interest(Mid-Day)(Yuan) Net Price(Yuan) YTM (%) Recommendation
2024-07-26 10914000017 0.2240 101.2420 0.6222 100.6198 3.7021 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000025 0.0519 53.3019 3.2290 50.0729 3.6941 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000026 0.1776 53.0515 2.8010 50.2505 3.6992 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000067 0.1038 21.2251 1.1718 20.0534 3.6944 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000090 0.3579 53.0842 2.4414 50.6428 3.7178 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000102 0.0437 50.3005 0.2695 50.0310 3.7388 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000144 0.0137 42.0353 0.1975 41.8378 3.7197 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000145 0.0137 42.0353 0.1975 41.8378 3.7197 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000146 5.2262 116.3240 0.4375 115.8865 3.0440 Recommend
2024-07-26 10914000147 0.1694 47.1383 0.2220 46.9163 3.7485 Recommend
The above Insurance Asset Management Products Valuation is compiled and released by ChinaBond Pricing Center CO.,LTD and Zhongbao Insurance Asset Registration And Exchange CO.,LTD jointly.

Any Institution or Individual who intends to use ChinaBond Pricing Data Products to develop products, or use index data as benchmark, as well as to develop the passive investment products, ETF products and derivatives, shall apply to ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd. separately in writing.Contact information: 010-88170470/0475/ 
1.Bond Valuation: 86-10-010-88174538/4537/0640 Quality Control: 86-21-60813561,86-21-60813562,86-10-88174536,86-10-88174551,86-10-881747122.For more details please visit ChinaBond Dr.Quant, ChinaBond datagate and authorized data vendors. 3.Internet Explorer 11 or Google Chrome is recommended.